Friday 29 August 2008

John Lennon's killer spills the beans on the murder

London (ANI): The killer of late rocker John Lennon has provided new insights into the murder of the former Beatles. During his parole hearing, Mark David Chapman admitted that contrary to reports in the media, he did non call Lennon's name before shooting him, according to the transcripts.

"I don't recall expression, 'Mr. Lennon'," Telegraph quoted him, as saying. "I think that was something the press elaborated on. That didn't happen. He didn't turn. I injection him in the back," he added.

The 53-year-old former upkeep worker, world Health Organization said that he is ashamed of slaying the legendary rocker, had started planning the shooting three months originally after eyesight Lennon on the cover of the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album.

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